Saturday, December 31, 2011

7 Reasons Why You Should Leave Your Ex In The Past After A Break Up

7 Reasons why you should leave your Ex in the Past after a break up

Reason #1 - "Done it Once..."

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

If a someone has done something to you once, he is going to do it again. People are programmed to operate a safe bet way.

If you are mental I'm wrong and that that isn't true, that maybe he just made a mistake, I can tell you without hesitation right here and now that anyone he did to you was not a mistake. It was his nature. It is who and what he is all about. If a guy cheats on you just once, it is not "by mistake." Ok, maybe it was a mistake, as though it was too dark and he mixed you up with some other girl. Is that what you call a mistake?

I don't care how many times he screams and shouts and swears to you that it's never going to happen again. It is just not true. It will happen again And again. Maybe not anytime soon, but it will happen again for sure.

If any guy lies to you once, he will lie to you again And again.

If your man "disappears" for a day or a week just once, he will do it again. And there you are sitting and crying and sobbing a river of tears wondering where he went. "What did he do? Why is this happening to me?"

If he breaks up with you once, and you take him back, he will break up with you again. Are you a rug that men can walk all over with their dirty shoes?

These things happen to girls all the time. And just about every girl believes she is good sufficient and strong sufficient to get him to change. But you know what? Even if you think that you have broken his bad habits, and believe that he will convert for you, there is a 99.99% likelihood he will do it all over again.

I can hear you shouting at me, saying "Erica, but I got him back and I swear he stopped doing that. He loves me, he is not cheating on me, he never lies...anymore, I mean."

Fine, let's say I believe you, because there is all the time a chance, like I said before.

However, it's gonna take you a lot more than 21 days of hard work. Because to make it work out like you say, you well have to convert your whole way of mental and behaving, and adopt a whole new attitude. What I'm saying is that you just have to become a totally new person, and break away from the someone he met back then: the someone he screwed over.

One thing I can tell you for sure is this: convert yourself and your whole world changes. "Like Attracts Like." What I'm saying is that if there is a guy you are just aching to be with, you have to understand that by feeling and acting the same old way, you have made it impossible for yourself to ever be with him. In order to turn that situation colse to and make it work, or at least give yourself the best opportunity for it to work, you are just going to have to change.

I know this may assault you as confusing but once you become a "different person," you probably won't be concerned in this guy you are dying to be with. And you know why? Because he will not excite the New You.

One of my clients had a long length connection and hadn't seen her ex boyfriend in over eight months. She kept going on and on, telling me she couldn't get him out of her mind.

I kept telling her that she had to forget him and get on with her life. She refused and asked me why. I told her "It's because the guy who left you represents who you were the moment you met him. And that was well over a year ago." I told her that she had changed but he hadn't, and that he would all the time be the same.

Let me interpret what I'm talking about because you might not be well-known with this concept.

Every man you met represents you at the moment you meet him. He is the reflection of your inner self. If you want only money, life might send you a heartless millionaire who can contribute you with financial resources. And when you well fall for him, and ask why he is not able to love you back, brace yourself for the rejoinder - it's because of the money you wanted so much in the first place. If you wanted sex at that moment, life would have sent you a sex engine to satisfy you.

Like Attracts Like! If you ensue in getting him back into your life, strap on your seat belt because now your life will be an emotional roller coaster with more ups and downs than the stock market.

Every someone in our lives is there for a reason. They teach us things at singular times in our increase as human beings.

If today you met your best friend for the very first time (the same best friend you met in reality ten years ago) you may not have anyone in tasteless - you may not even like each other. Why? Because today, you are not the same someone you were ten years ago when you met your best friend and you needed him and he needed you, and you gave each other what needed to be given.

Reason #2 - Don't look for the hereafter in your past, the hereafter is in the future.

Girls, I know exactly how it feels: that your hereafter is empty and meaningless without Him. Do all of the following things, and it will make your life better:

Convince yourself that you are on a correct diet and think of him as a craving.

If you are like me then you know that the first days of a diet are all the time the most difficult because we desperately crave something we should not have - like ice cream, chocolate or French fries. But if we stay strong for a few days, we can get used to living without those desperate cravings of ours. The newest studies prove that the cravings we have in our minds last for only five minutes, so if we can stay strong and get over those cravings, they will go away.

If you think of him as a "craving" and remember that all cravings disappear after just 5 minutes of will power, you will survive and be a stronger someone for it.

Like every diet, sometimes it gets too hard dealing with your cravings. So when your craving for him becomes breathtaking just promise yourself that in six months you will allow yourself a diminutive piece of Him - what I mean is that all you need to satisfy this deep rooted craving is a phone call to hear his voice live or on his answering machine. You will feel so much better for these two reasons:

1) You Can cope your cravings- Congratulations! This is a astronomical accomplishment in your life. You are on your way to recovery.

2) By the time six months has rolled colse to and you make that phone call, you might not even need him anymore. You might have lost ten pounds and look great, you might have a new job, you might have met a new man, a new True Love.

He is the one who has lost You. It is not the other way around!

Every life is precious. Every someone has good inside of them. Every someone wants to be liked, and every someone not only wants to be loved, but Needs Love.

Remember that yesterday is gone and that he is part of the past. You know how much you loved him, you remember all those things you did for him and how much it hurt to know that he walked out on you and may already be with somebody else. Pity the poor girl who ends up with the man who walked out on you.

You are a gorgeous someone even if you have made some mistakes, and have been a poor judge of character. We are only human.

Reason #3 - Remember the beauty of the Broken Vase.

When you break a vase, you derive all the pieces together and glue them back in place like a puzzle. But as soon as you pour water into the vase, it will start leaking. A broken connection is just like a broken vase.

Reason #4 - Your connection was not a waste. You were in training, but didn't know that at the time.

Just as we learn from every someone in our life, we also learn something from every event that transpires. Life's lessons are taught to us every day. We may not recognize what we are studying at that singular moment and time, but make no mistake about it: We are all the time learning.

When you go to a cafeteria and a waiter brings your steak in a skillet, and tells you not to touch the plate because it's hot, you touch it anyway and burn your finger and scream, "That Is hot!" Why did you touch it after you were told not to? There could be some reasons. Maybe you didn't believe him. Maybe you wanted to see just how hot it well was. The point is this - you learned something from the experience.

The expression everything That Doesn'T Kill Us Makes Us Stronger is true.

Accept the fact that the time you spent in the connection that ended right away taught you more things than you can ever imagine about your man in particular, men in general, and about the type of woman you well are.

You will never forget that look on his face and the words he spoke that made you cry. You will never let any man treat you the same way again because you have learned about who you are from the connection that you just had.

The entire time you were with him, you belief you had found a boyfriend, but what you well found was a treadmill for your soul. He was practice equipment and nothing more. Now that he is gone and it is over between two of you, you can look back on this lesson as having been a breathtaking training lesson to put in order you for your One True Love, who you have not yet met. Your soul will be better ready next time. All the tears you cried over him were a down payment on the longer lasting and loving connection that you deserve.

Reason #5 - What the hell did you fall in love with anyway?

When did Prince Charming become selfish, cruel, mean and disrespectful to you? When did you start blaming yourself for the misery he was causing you? He made you feel as though your problems with him were your fault. He brainwashed you into believing what he wanted you to believe about him - that he was a nice, generous, kind, funny and loving man who could never hurt you.

This doesn't mean that you were a unintelligent person. You were just a woman with a warm heart and open arms wanting to love a man and to be loved for who you are.

Have you ever bought yourself something high-priced - like a new car or a brilliant ring? Remember how those sales People treated you the diminutive you walked through their door? They were ready to kiss your feet, but you made them to kiss your ass to make a sale.

As soon as you handed over your money, the sale was completed and out the door you went, and wham, they could not care less about you. Of course, not all sales People are so cold. Some would contribute you with their best assistance for as long as you own that car or wear your brilliant ring.

Were you getting the "best service" from your boyfriend? Or was your Prince Charming occasionally gift his Monthly Special, like evening meal and a movie on the last Saturday of the month? The Monster who spent the other thirty days the month with you was revealing his true character to you the entire time you were together but you refused to trust your instincts that told you something was wrong with him.

What do you want from a man? A Monster for thirty days and a Prince Charming for 24 hours? Don't you deserve Prince Charming each and every day of your life?

If you want that Monster, then be my guest. You can stop reading now. You can all the time read this later after he breaks your heart all over again.

Reason #6 - Your efforts and they have any value?

I remember waking up on Valentines Day crying my eyes out. I was talking out loud through my tears, saying "How did this happen to me? What kind of a man he is anyway?" I called my healer and adviser, telling him about all of these "love attacks" that made me dial my popular ex boyfriend's number, trying to get him on the line just to tell him about what he did to me and how he toe my heart out.

I asked my healer what I should do when my heart is squeezed like an orange and all my "happy life juice" is draining out me. I told him I spent so much of my time trying to fight those attacks, desperately wanting to forget about my love, but I just spent hours and hours crying until I was so exhausted that I couldn't do anyone for myself. I felt useless and depressed, and it took me days to put myself back together.

This is what my healer said: "Erica, calm down." He told me to "get a class of water, sip it moderately and just listen to me."

Then he said, "Erica, you remind me of a someone who spends all day long making mess colse to her gorgeous house and then cleaning up all of the mess. That someone is so busy producing mess and then cleaning it all up that she does not have time to live her life, she has no time to sleep either, and sleeping well is very leading for healthy life."

"Erica, if you remain this dedicated to making mess all day and all night, you will never have time for your son, for your family, for your friends, you won't be able to do your job, you will never to have time to make new friends, to meet a new boyfriend who will love you and to accomplish all your big dreams."

That was the moment that I well opened my eyes. He was so right. Why was I wasting all of my valuable time and power chasing after this Monster who didn't give a shit about me, just to interpret to him how much I love him?

Honestly girls, I stopped crying immediately. All of a sudden, I realized that I had been neglecting so many things that were much more important. I have never wasted my efforts since. And neither should you.

Reason #7 - Getting revenge! Is it worth the effort?

So many girls I've spoken to just wanted to get back with the ex boyfriend to prove to him that he was totally wrong about breaking up.

Of course, a lot of girls said that they wanted to teach him a lesson. And almost everyone let me know that they had this diminutive belief flashing inside their heads: "Wouldn't it be great if he came back to me and was able to see a much more gorgeous and flourishing and extra safe bet woman then I was before he left me? Wouldn't it be great just to give him extra fancy date and then dump him, just like he did to me?"

Let's face it, we have all shared the same belief and there is nothing to be ashamed about. After all, we are just People with weaknesses. It's a good thing that you are able to recognize these thoughts because it's an leading part of the process to recognize the state your mind is in after what he put you through. Many girls refuse to admit having these thoughts and temptations. Ladies, it is valuable to the curative process to all the time say No to your desire to get back with him. And if you need to know why this is an absolute condition for enthralling on with your life, then re-read Rule #6.

If you use your valuable time and power just to get him back and then dump him, I swear, all you will feel in the end is more sadness, deep depression, stress beyond reliance and emptiness that will make you sick.

7 Reasons Why You Should Leave Your Ex In The Past After A Break Up

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Free Cheesecake installation restaurant Recipes

Imagine it is Friday night. You've had a long week. You don't feel like spending a lot of money eating out, but you still want to eat good food tonight. What are you going to do? Recently I discovered bistro recipes. I realized that I could save a ton of money by making bistro recipes at home.

One of my favorite restaurants is the Cheesecake Factory. Cheesecake premise bistro recipes are delicious! I have been scouring the internet recently for the best Cheesecake premise bistro recipes. After doing some allinclusive research, here are some overwhelming Cheesecake premise bistro recipes.

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Cheesecake premise Oreo Cheesecake
1 1/2 pound cream cheese
1 cup sugar
5 large eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup flour
8 ounces sour cream
5 Oreo cookies (coarsely chopped for the batter)
10 coarsely chopped Oreo cookies for the topping

1 1/2 cup Oreo cookie crumbs (about 25 Oreo cookies finely chopped)
2 tablespoon melted butter
93 spring form pan (buttered on lowest and sides)

1. Mix melted butter with Oreo crumbs and press in the lowest of the spring pan and 1 1/23 up the sides, set aside.
2.All Ingredients must be at room temperature before beginning. Beat cream cheese with a mixer on low until fluffy.
3. Gradually add sugar and continue beating cream cheese until mixed well.
4. Add eggs one at a time and continue to beat until blended.
5. Part the vanilla, salt and flour, pour into cream cheese and egg mixture and beat until smooth. Add the sour cream and beat.
6. Stir in the coarsely chopped oreo cookies with a spoon.
7. Pour cream cheese into the spring pan and place the nine coarsely chopped Oreo Cookies on to of the cream mixture.
8. Place pan on the top rack and in the middle of a preheated oven at 325 degrees F and bake for one hour and 15 minutes.
9. After that time, keep oven door open and let the cheese cake stay in the oven for one hour. Take off from oven and let cool enough to place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Cheesecake premise Pasta Da Vinci
1(1lb)box penne pasta
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 large boneless skinless chicken breasts, diced
1 large red onion, finely chopped
1(4ounce)can sliced mushrooms, drainedor
1/2 cup rehydratedshiitake mushrooms
2 tablespoons mincedgarlic
1 cup madeira wine
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup sour cream
1-2 tablespoon butter

1. Cook pasta according to container directions. Place cooked and drained pasta in detach bowl.
2. Heat oil in skillet and saute chicken, onion, mushrooms, and garlic.Remove from skillet;set aside. Add wine to same skillet and simmer over medium heat until liquid is reduced by two-thirds. Add heavy cream and sour cream and heat through.
3. Take off from heat and swirl in butter. Toss with pasta.

Cheesecake premise Vanilla Bean Cheesecake
1 envelope plus 1 1/2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup cold water
1 1/2 cups milk
6 egg yolks
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups heavy cream, whipped

1. Soften the gelatin in cold water and set aside for later use.
2. Beat the egg yolks in the top of a double boiler until light and lemon colored. Gradually beat in the sugar. Add the salt.
3. Scald the milk and Gradually stir it into the egg mixture. Cook over hot, not boiling, water until thickened, stirring constantly.
4. Blend in the softened gelatin and vanilla. Chill until the mixture begins to thicken, stirring occasionally to forestall a crust from forming on the surface.
5. Fold in the whipped cream and spread cream mixture onto cheesecake.
Chill until firm.
6. Embellishment with lightly sweetened whipped cream.

Cheesecake premise Avocado Egg Rolls
2-4 servings
30 mins prep time
Egg Rolls
1 large avocado, peeled, pitted, & diced
2 tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
1 tablespoon finely chopped red onions
1/2 teaspoon fresh cilantro, chopped
1 dash salt
4 egg roll wraps (can also use won ton wraps)
1 egg, beaten
Oil for deep-frying
Dipping Sauce
1/4 cup olive oil
4 teaspoons white vinegar
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1/2 teaspoon tamarind pulp
1/2 cup honey (I use slightly less)
1 pinch turmeric
1/2 cup chopped cashews
2/3 cup fresh cilantro
2 garlic cloves
2 green onions
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground cumin

Dipping Sauce
1. Merge vinegars, honey, tamarind, and saffron in a microwave safe bowl. Stir until tamarind is dissolved completely.
2. Microwave for 1 minute.
3. Using a blender, Puree tamarind mixture, cashews, cilantro, garlic, onions, sugar, pepper, and cumin.
4. Pour mixture into a bowl and stir in oil.
5. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

Egg Rolls
1. Stir together avocado, tomatoes, onion, cilantro, and salt.
2. Distribute filling evenly on the town of each egg roll wrapper.
3. Fold one angle up, 1/4 of the way over the filling.
4. Brush the remaining corners and edges with beaten egg, roll up the left and right side, then fold top angle over all and press to seal.
5. Repeat with the remaining wrappers.
6. Deep-fry the egg rolls in 375 degree oil for 3-4 minutes, or until browned.
7. Drain on paper towels.
8. Slice egg rolls diagonally in half and serve with the prepared dipping sauce.

Free Cheesecake installation restaurant Recipes

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

renowned Killers - foremost Murderers of the 1800s

Throughout history, murderers have all the time seemed to rivet the attention of the public. Hapless victims, their calculated killers, and all the gruesome details of the crime seem to fascinate most people, and the trials are frequently sensational events that attract the masses. Killers committing their heinous crimes during the 19th century were no different than the ones of today, but a few of these criminals stand out in history.

Champ Ferguson - The story of Champ Ferguson is set in the mountains of Tennessee during the height of the American Civil War. For reasons not completely clear, Ferguson became a staunch supporter of the Rebel cause; some say Union soldiers raped his wife and daughter, while others say that the Confederacy promised him clemency on an existing murder fee if he promised his support. Anything his reasons were, Ferguson became one of the most notorious and feared guerrillas in Tennessee, and also one of the most prolific killers of Union soldiers and supporters in the area. Noted for his sadistic tendencies when he found a new victim, Ferguson is estimated to have killed over 100 people, though he was only tried for the murders of 53. Ferguson was arrested and tried for murder in May of 1865, creating something of a spectacle for a public eager to see him sentenced to death. Though Ferguson freely admitted to committing the many murders, he maintained that his acts were part of forces activities and he only killed those who would have killed him. Ferguson was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to hang on October 20, 1865. His death complete the chapter of one of the South's most notorious guerrilla fighters, feared by some and revered by others.

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H. H. Holmes - Known by many as America's first documented serial killer, H. H. Holmes is responsible for the deaths of as many as 100 people, though he confessed to only 27 of those murders. Born in New Hampshire in 1860 under the name Herman Webster Mudgett, Holmes is best known for the time he spent in Chicago during the World's Fair in 1893. After graduating from curative school in Michigan, Holmes moved to Chicago to custom pharmacy. Dispensing medicine, however, was not high on his priority list, and instead he became involved in a estimate of shady firm deals swindling habitancy out of their money. In 1893, construction began on The Castle, which would serve as his home/office, a hotel for visitors to the fair, and ultimately, his killing grounds. The construction was three stories high, covered an entire city block, and had a floorplan that would confound even the most experienced architect. The third floor was a sort of labyrinth, with windowless rooms, doors opening to nowhere, stairs prominent to nowhere, and many more oddities. This was where Holmes committed his murders, torturing his victims and sending their bodies down private passageways to the basement where they were whether burned or dissected and sold to curative schools. When the World's Fair concluded, Holmes left Chicago seeing for more opportunities to increase his wealth and his victim count. When he was caught in an insurance fraud task with his associate Benjamin Pitezel, who he had killed along with three of Pitezel's children, Holmes was tracked and finally arrested in Boston. After his arrest, The Castle was searched and authorities began uncovering evidence of some of the most gruesome crimes ever committed. After a trial chronic only five days, Holmes was convicted of murder and sentenced to the gallows on May 7, 1896. The story of H. H. Holmes is maybe one of the most disturbing, yet fascinating, ventures into the mind of a killer.

Octavius Barron - While Octavius Barron didn't earn quite as much notoriety as the two killers above, he is preponderant because at the young age of 18, he was responsible for the first murder in the city of Rochester, New York. William Lyman was a respected man in the city, with a thriving job and growing family. On the night of October 20, 1837, he left his office to return home to his wife and four children. He never made it. As Lyman walked toward his house, he was shot in the back of the head at point blank range, robbed of some hundred dollars, and left dead in an alley. Hearing the shot, a young boy living in a house nearby alerted his father, who then called police. While authorities were busy collecting evidence at the crime scene, Barron was at the local tavern waving Lyman's money nearby and boasting of the murder to his friends. It didn't take long for this cavalier attitude to come to an end, however, as Barron was arrested just hours after pulling the trigger. The case against him was strong, and as he was already known nearby town as being a habitual gambler and drinker, the young man was verily convicted of the murder. Octavius Barron hung for his crime on June 7, 1838, and with his death justice was served. But the tale doesn't stop here; though William Lyman's life had ended, his story continued.

You can learn more about Octavius Barron, William Lyman, and the surprising details of these men's fates in the documentary "Visions: True Stories of the Supernatural" by Ad-Hoc Productions. Go to for more information.

renowned Killers - foremost Murderers of the 1800s

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Grandma's Canned Sausage

During the canning season I can often recall that my grandmother used to take and can sausage patties. She would take fresh made patties and stack them neatly inside a wide mouth jar and then fill the container full of hot sausage grease. She would then place the lids securely on them, turn them upside down to seal and she was done. How I remember going to the food closet and looking dozens upon dozens of jars thought about stacked upside down. It seems that in those days it was primary to place the jars upside down to ensure a good seal.

Over the years as I grew up and investigated the art of canning on my own I discovered there are two major ways to can sausage. You can form and bake the patties until they are firm similar to the way my grandmother did it or you can fry the sausage up and let it crumble and then fill your jars up.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

With the second way you would fry some of the sausage until it started to detach into small pieces and then can these pieces for use in gravies or casseroles. Here are some tips to corollary when attempting this on your own.

You should omit any use of sage from your method if you decide to mix your own sausage. When canning your sausage the sage will tend to make it taste bitter. I commonly use very small herbs and spices in my mix and that also includes the use of my favorites such as garlic or onions as they will no ifs ands or buts come to be stronger tasting when your goods is canned. Instead you could use a small bit of hot red pepper, salt, black pepper, some thyme or possibly a bit of marjoram to season the sausage that you plan to can.

When choosing the meat make obvious to pick 2/3 of lean meat to about 1/3 fat in order to make the best canned sausage that you can. You would can your sausage in the same manner as you would ground meat except that you will make small patties and cook it until it's very well done.

Unlike ground beef you can use the fat from cooking the sausage to actual can it in. Be obvious not to fill the jar too full, 2/3 full is abundance enough for it. Pour the grease in and make sure that it covers the sausages. You may wish to melt some extra lard to use for face the sausages in the jar. Keep the lard or grease very hot while it is waiting to be poured into the jar.

Lastly, you will want to adjust the lids onto the jars and place then into a pressure canner set for 10 pounds of pressure. For pint jars cook for 75 minutes and quarts for 90 minutes.

Grandma's Canned Sausage

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Cook Tri Tip in Your Oven Like an expert

If you've got any of my other cooking articles here, you know I'm somewhat of a tri tip expert. I love it. Normally, I do mine on the grill, but there are times (especially when I'm busy) where I'll cook it in the oven. And you know what? It still tastes great. Here's how I do it.

First of all, you need to rub / marinade your meat however you like it. There's no perfect way. I've done tri tips all kinds of ways-it's the cut of meat I use when I experiment. However, you're going to want some wet works for the cooking. This could be a combination of olive oil and other ingredients or your favorite marinade.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

If your meat is in the refrigerator, take it out for about 5-10 minutes before cooking.

Heat up your oven to about 425 degrees F. Make note that cooking times and temperatures can vary from oven to oven.

Next, place your tri tip on a baking pan fat side down. Drench a microscopic of your favorite wet works over it and slide it in the middle of your oven. Set your timer for about 45 minutes. Your cooking time might be about 1 hour, but from about the 45 microscopic mark, you want to pay real close attention to the meat.

Here's the key. Every 8-10 minutes, add some more marinade over the top of your tri tip. You may end up doing this 6-7 times depending on final cooking time. Remember to take it out before it's indeed done, because it will continue to cook for up to 10 minutes afterward. And I like to wrap mine in foil for 5 minutes before cutting it.

Lastly, if your cut of meat has a fair number of fat on the fat side, start it in the oven with that side up for about 8 minutes and then flip it for the rest of the duration. If you've done everything right, your tri tip from your oven will be very tasty.

How to Cook Tri Tip in Your Oven Like an expert

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to Cook A London Broil

A London broil is a great way to cook steak. Note that I said a “way to cook.” In other words, it’s a method, not a definite cut of meat. This distinction has confused many a novice cook.

Adding to the confusion, some butchers will call a cut of meat “London broil.” Usually, though, the cut of beef used for a London broil is flank steak, although other cuts, notably top round steak, may be substituted.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

Flank steak is simply tough, so you need to tenderize it (by pounding with a mallet) or marinate it, or both, before cooking with it. To turn it into a allowable London broil, you ... Broil it. Makes sense, right? But not so fast ... You can also grill it and still call it a London broil.

Here are two recipes, one for broiled London broil, and the other for grilled London broil.

London Broil (Broiled)


<>1 beef flank steak (1 to 2 pounds)

<>1/3 cup Italian salad dressing

<>2 tablespoons red wine or red wine vinegar

1 clove garlic, minced

2 tablespoons cooking oil


1. Combine salad dressing, wine or wine vinegar, garlic and cooking oil in a bowl to make a marinade.

2. Make any shallow cuts on both sides of the steak. Place the meat in a baking dish.

3. Brush the steak with the marinade; be sure to coat both sides. Cover pan with plastic wrap. Place in refrigerator and let marinate for 1 hour.

4. Take off from refrigerator. Pour off excess marinade.

5. Preheat oven broiler. Place pan with steak almost 3 inches from top heat. Cook 5 to 8 minutes per side (to medium doneness).

6. Cut steak into slices and serve.

London Broil (Grilled)


3/4 cup cooking oil

3 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons red wine or red wine vinegar

2 tablespoons soy or Worcestershire sauce

1 clove garlic, minced

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon coarsely ground black pepper

1 tablespoon parsley flakes

1 flank steak (1 to 2 pounds)


1. Combine all ingredients except the meat in a bowl to make your marinade.

2. Make any shallow cuts on both sides of the steak and place in a baking dish. Try for a cross-hatching succeed with any overlapping, diagonal cuts.

3. Brush steak with marinade, making sure to coat both sides. Cover pan with plastic wrap, place in refrigerator and let marinate for at least 1 hour.

4. Grill steak over hot charcoal or other high heat for 5 to 8 minutes per side, depending on the degree of doneness desired. Baste with leftover marinade if you wish.

5. Take off steak from grill, slice into thin strips, and serve.

How to Cook A London Broil

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Friday, December 16, 2011

How Much Should I payment For My market Cleaning Services?

You've bought all your cleaning supplies and equipment, told every person you know that you have started a cleaning business and now you are ready to start bidding on jobs and getting down to work. So your next step is to meet with inherent clients and put together a bid for their cleaning services. But how do you know what to payment for cleaning your inherent client's building?

Start off by remembering that you are in business to make a profit and earn a living. Sometimes the tendency is to price our services low in order to get our foot in the door. Pricing your services too low may mean you will end up working for very little per hour. And more importantly, will have little left over to reinvest in the growth of your company. There are cleaning companies that payment more than others and have all the work they can handle and there are companies that have lower fees yet are struggling to find work! Don't sell yourself short or you will not be able to earn a living off your cleaning business.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

The rates for industrial cleaning vary widely depending upon the area you live. Hourly rates are anywhere from to per hour depending on the type of services that you provide, whether or not you're doing the work yourself, and your company's overhead and expenses. Monthly quadrilateral footage rates could run anywhere from $.05 to $.20 per quadrilateral foot depending on the type of construction you are cleaning and the frequency of cleaning. You'll be able to bid a higher quadrilateral footage price for healing facilities versus office structure due to more specialized cleaning needs. You'll likely bid a lower quadrilateral footage price for large structure versus small buildings. For example, you may bid $.08 per quadrilateral foot for a 50,000 quadrilateral foot construction versus $.12 per quadrilateral foot for an 8,000 quadrilateral foot building.

You will most likely be charging your customers a monthly price and you will need to shape that price by estimating how long it will take to perform the services that your client has requested. The more sufficient you or your employees are, the higher the hourly production rate. If you're able to clean 3,500 quadrilateral feet per hour, your profit will be higher than if you're only able to clean 2,500 quadrilateral feet per hour, so adjust your price accordingly.

It's also a good idea to find out what the "going rates" are in your area. A few phone calls to competitors may be considerable to get an idea of the basic charges in your area. Use a script when you call so you can compare apples to apples. So what do you say when you call? Try something like, "Hi, I have a small business office that I would like cleaned once a week. It is 3000 quadrilateral feet and has two small restrooms. Can you give me a rough estimation of what you what you payment per month?" The man may or may not give you an estimate. Most contractors will insist on walking through the building, but it is worth a few phone calls so you have a ballpark shape on what cleaning companies in the area are charging.

To estimation what you should payment for cleaning a building, start by doing a walk-through with the construction owner or manager. Keep track of the following:

* Frequency of cleaning (once a week, three times a week, five times a week). If frequency is one or two times per week, it's best to estimation your time and multiply by your hourly rate. If cleaning 3 or more times per week you can estimation your time by the quadrilateral foot.

* total quadrilateral feet

* Types of floor surfaces and quadrilateral footage of each (carpet, vinyl flooring, ceramic tile)

* Types of rooms - normal office, break room, restrooms. Also note the amount of toilets/stalls and fixtures in each restroom, as well as the types of restroom supplies used.

* Any special considerations - heavy traffic areas, elevators, unusual requests, etc.

* Make note of the definite services the client is seeking such as emptying trash, dusting, restroom cleaning, mopping and vacuuming.

The following services are specialized services and you should bid them separately, and list a per-service payment on your bid:

* Stripping and Waxing (.25¢ - .50¢ per quadrilateral foot)

* Buffing/Burnishing (.03¢ - .07¢ per quadrilateral foot)

* engine Cleaning of Ceramic Tile floors (.12¢ - .21¢ per quadrilateral foot)

* carpet Cleaning (.12¢ - .25¢ per quadrilateral foot)

* carpet Spotting ( - per hour)

* Cleaning appliances (microwave, refrigerator) - - per appliance

* Window Washing (.00 - .00 per pane)

Make sure you take enough notes so you can put together a realistic price that is fair to the client and one in which you will make a profit. After your first meeting with the client, go back to your office look through your notes and settle what it will cost you to clean the building. You may have to consult a production cleaning rate chart to settle how long it will take you and your staff to clean the building. Once you have an idea of how long it will take to clean the construction you can put your cost estimation together:

* estimation the time it will take by using a production cleaning rate chart or calculator.

* settle your labor cost for cleaning the construction one time.

* settle your monthly labor cost to clean the building.

* estimation a monthly cost for supplies. This will be a fairly low figure, possibly 1 or 2% of monthly sales.

* Be sure to add in a profit margin!

Add up the figures and you will come up with your monthly cost. If you have access to a bidding calculator you will be able to put in a series of numbers and come up with a price. A bidding calculator will also show what profit you can expect to make. It is also advisable to add a first time cleaning charge. This is regularly an hourly rate of possibly - an hour. The first time you go through a construction it will take longer and you may find the old cleaning assistance may have left dirt in cracks and crevices that you will have to clean the first time through.

Once you have your price established, put your bid packet together. Your bid packet should specify what you are responsible for and what the client is responsible for (buying their own trash can liners, restrooms supplies, etc.). It should also include the monthly payment for cleaning services, how long the bargain is for, and the policy to cancel the contract if whether party is unhappy.

It is leading to learn how to price your cleaning services so your customers know you are providing a professional assistance at a realistic price and so that you make a profit. After all, if you do not make a profit you won't stay in business very long!

Copyright (c) 2006 The Janitorial Store

How Much Should I payment For My market Cleaning Services?

french door refrigerator white

Thursday, December 15, 2011

French Door Window Treatments - You Have fullness of Options!

French doors, also named French windows can be used for separate purposes - they are very popular as patio doors, as dividers in the middle of large living spaces, and as doors to a balcony. There are modern and original French doors and both of them originate an bright and a relaxing atmosphere in a room.

Usually French doors look extraordinary even without any additional dressing, but if you wish to cover them, you have plenty of choices. To resolve what kind of French door window treatments is a best one just for your interior, resolve first your needs and wishes: do you want to get more privacy and light blockage, or are you just looking for a gorgeous dressing for your French door? And don't forget about your existing interior style.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

Variations of French door window treatments:

Horizontal mini blinds

You can choose wooden, aluminum, or vinyl mini blinds. It depends on your budget, taste and on your entire room appearance. With wood blinds you will get a excellent informal look in the room, while aluminum blinds good match modern interiors. Vinyl mini blinds are a very practical choice, especially for high humidity areas, like bathroom or kitchen, but they may look not very bright in such living spaces as living/dining room, patio, or a bedroom with a balcony, especially if you want your interior to look stylish.

If you decided about this kind of French door window treatments, keep in mind, that horizontal blinds need enough space when they are completely opened. Look for an acceptable slat size. Wooden mini blinds commonly come in 1" slat size, while vinyl and aluminum mini blinds can be 1/2" or 1". Some manufacturers furnish extra shapes for their blinds. You may think so called "cut-outs" option, if you order custom made window blinds and need space for door knobs.

Fabric French door window treatments

Draperies - most original type of window treatments for French doors. There are endless of variations. With a wide range of fabrics and drapery styles, you can not only make your French doors more stylish, but also give a done look to the entire room. If the space of the room allows - hang your draperies wide and high enough above the doors. It provides an additional elegance to the room and makes a door movement easier. Sheers - you can hang them on your French doors using drapery rods on the top and the lowest of the doors. However, many population don't like sheers because of their outdated look. You may think screen shades or solar roller shades instead, which still furnish surface view, protect furniture from sun rays and also reduce glare. You can setup these shades in addition to draperies, or without them.
Window Shades

Fabric roman shades - look nice for many interior styles - contemporary, country, classic, and so on. The level of privacy and light blockage depends on the type of fabric you elect for your shades. As for your roman shades styles, you can choose one that you like the best and that match best your room interior. Bamboo roman shades or bamboo roller shades go well with any interior styles - modern, orient, exotic, even classic. Depending on their texture, these shades may moderately diffuse light, or block it completely.

If you choose blinds or shades for your French doors, think to get something that holds them on the lowest and prevents from flopping when you open and close the door. For horizontal blinds you can setup hold-down braclets, and for roman shades some population use Velcro. You may also find your own solution.

French Door Window Treatments - You Have fullness of Options!

refrigerators comparison

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Green Your Refrigerator

Many of us are trying to live a more sustainable, eco friendly lifestyle. One of the best places to start manufacture changes is in our kitchens, the hub of the home and the place where we put in order food. Here are some tips on reducing your carbon footprint and manufacture your kitchen a dinky healthier.

Make sure your fridge is set at 36 - 38 degrees. You will likely need to buy a refrigerator thermometer to gauge this properly. Move the thermometer nearby so you can learn where the coldest and warmer spots in the fridge are, and use this facts to determine how you design your fridge.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

Don't place your fridge close to a stove or sunny window where it will be warmer, causing the compressor to turn on more frequently.

Check the seals on your fridge. Place a dollar bill the door and close it. If you can slide the bill out easily, the seal may be too loose, letting cool air leak out. Clean them regularly with vinegar to cut down on the gunk and replace them if needed.

Vacuum your refrigerator coils. The more dust that sits on the coils, the less efficient it is at cooling. Use a brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to clean it.

Keep your fridge 3/4 full to help it operate at maximum efficiency. Any more full and air can't circulate well. But if your fridge is half empty, it has to work harder to cool. Place packaging of water in your fridge if you need to.

The next time you buy a fridge, make sure it's power Star certified. Look for the yellow fastener on the model you want when you go shopping. And the less popular style of refrigerator that has the freezer in a drawer on the lowest is 10-25% more efficient than side by sides.

Use glass to store leftovers. Not only will you avoid nasty chemicals like phtalates and Bpa, but glass also gets colder - helping your fridge conserve energy.

How to Green Your Refrigerator

linksys wrt610n samsung refrigerator french door sliding glass door refrigerator

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Places to Find a Great Deal on a New Refrigerator

In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the best places to find a good deal on a new refrigerator unit. Buying a new fridge can be a very fun process because there are so many models and features that you can pick from. It can also be a somewhat confusing process because there are so many options that it can sometimes feel overwhelming.

What kind of fridge do you want to get?

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

This is the first inquire that you should ask yourself. The days of the accepted "ice box" are gone, and now there are all kinds of separate types of fridges. You can get your basic unit, which has a singular door, a freezer, and a cooler. You can also get what is called a French door fridge, which has a double door and a freezer at the bottom. If you want something that will make your kitchen look symmetrical, you can check out a Counter Depth fridge, which is designed to line up with the kitchen counters and not stick over them.

Commercial Stores

If you have gone to any market such as Lowes, Home Depot, Sears, etc., then you will indubitably have seen all kinds of options. The good thing about these places is that they often have the latest models in stock. The downside is that they will often try to sell you on some sort of warranty that can cost hundreds of dollars. If you decide to go with the warranty, make sure that you know exactly what it will and will not cover before you spend all of the extra money.


There are also lots of market on the internet that you can use to get a good deal. You can check out the website of all the market mentioned above, or you can find a bunch of manufacturers directly and check out what kind of deals they have. You can look for brand names such as Kenmore, Black and Decker, general Electric, Frigidaire, and more.

When you decide to get a refrigerator online, you should read some reviews ahead of time so that you are able to make a best buying decision. You can find a lot of good reviews by consumers at Amazon when you look at the definite product pages. There, you will find all kinds of distinct and negative reviews from people who have bought the respective refrigerator.

Before manufacture the final decision, make sure that you know the dimensions that you need to have it fit perfectly in line with the rest of the counter space. Good luck!

Places to Find a Great Deal on a New Refrigerator

3 inch french door refrigerator refrigerator for sale refrigerator lock

Friday, December 9, 2011

Rv Refrigerators - When Home is on the Road

When most citizen travel, one of the things that makes the experience a good one is the relax of their surroundings. That's the reason that Rv's - or recreational vehicles - are so popular; you can travel the open roads with all the comforts of home. Those comforts contain having a kitchen at your disposal, and that kitchen needs a refrigerator. Rv refrigerators commonly come in the Rv itself, but you need to know what you're getting, as these tiny cooling boxes can differ widely in features and usefulness.

For the most part, if you like the features you have in your home refrigerator, you can probably get it in your Rv refrigerator. Ice makers, meat storage, side by side doors, egg trays, even ice and water in the door; they're all available for your Rv. 6 cubic feet of storage space in your Rv fridge isn't uncommon, so you should be able to stock up sufficient fresh food to keep yourself and your family well-fed on the highways and byways.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

There are some issues that, obviously, your Rv refrigerator is going to have to deal with that your home fridge does not. The main one is the vibration from being on the road. You don't want your food doing a shake, rattle, and roll inside your appliance. To solve this issue, many Rv refrigerator manufacturers have added extra restraints - one constructor even calls them "magic fingers" - that keep your food in the shelves where it belongs. No messy surprises when you open the fridge door to grab a soda or start dinner.

Something else to look for in your Rv refrigerator is auto defrost. If you think defrosting your freezer in the house is a pain, try doing it in your Rv. A frost-free appliance is worth the extra money you'll pay for it.

You don't have to sell out looks, either. Chances are you're going to spend more time finding at your Rv fridge than you would finding at your house fridge; you can buy appliances in stainless steel, or with wooden front panels to blend with the cabinetry in your Rv.

The larger your Rv, the larger Rv refrigerator you'll be able to have. The smaller models aren't going to offer the same storage space or features that the larger ones do, but they fit in a much smaller space. Some Rv refrigerators are nearly as large as their household counterparts. Be sure that you know your needs - and your space limitations - if you're shopping for a transfer for your current Rv fridge.

Rv Refrigerators - When Home is on the Road

fuji scansnap s1500 propane refrigerator

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Electrolux Refrigerator - Redefining capability

When you hear the name Electrolux refrigerator, you know that potential will never be an issue. These refrigeration units are the end supervene of years of investigate and studies on what it will take to make life simpler and more favorable for consumers. Electrolux fridges boast of the newest advances in refrigeration technology as well as stylish design to match any homes of today. There are verily some models that you can select from depending on your needs, preferences and budget. Of course, to make sure that you will receive value for your money, you might want to know the pros and cons of buying an Electrolux freezer or refrigerator.

The Pros of Buying an Electrolux Refrigerator

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

It cannot be denied that the many features will make consumers want to own one of these Electrolux refrigerators. Among its best features are:
Pure benefit Air Filter - works to filter the air circulating inside and eliminate odors Perfect Temp Drawer - this highlight provides up to 9 temperature selections with three (3) of them customizable Most Usable Capacity - all space inside your fridge can be used and maximized, thanks to this feature Perfect Organizational principles - each unit comes with Luxury Glide baskets, allowing users to design drinks and food without difficulty Pure benefit Water Filter - this highlight ensures safe and fresh drinking water Ice Maker - ice yield is double compared to other brands Led Illuminating principles - guarantees clearer and better visibility Alarm - for notifying users of open doors, growth in internal temperature and power failure Energy Star Certification - exquisite power use

In expanding to these features, buyers can also select from dissimilar types or models. Choices comprise the following:

Based on Style - select from French door, Side by Side, Refrigerator Drawer and Beverage Center. Buyers should determine their warehouse needs in order to select the right style Based on control - Iq Touch or Wave Touch. Main incompatibility between the two is verily just aesthetics since the former features a control panel that is displayed continuously while the latter fades away Based on installation - suitable or counter depth

The Cons of Buying an Electrolux Refrigerator

The only negative thing you can say about an Electrolux refrigerator is its high-priced price tag. Most consumers will not consider these refrigerators first option because of its price. But if you think about what you will be getting in return for your money, you might reconsider.


If you do determine to buy an Electrolux refrigerator, you will do so because you know you will enjoy value for your money. These units can meet all you expectations plus more. To be able to enjoy savings, you can always quest for online promos and discounts. As a smart buyer, shopping and comparing will help you land the best deal in the market.

Electrolux Refrigerator - Redefining capability

eviews of refrigerators french door refrigerators with bottom freezer

Monday, December 5, 2011

Stainless Steel Refrigerators - The Ideal Kitchen Appliance

In general, most people prefer to use stainless steel appliances to give their kitchen a contemporary outlook. Although some appliances might be expensive, stainless steel refrigerators are still ready at affordable prices. A refrigerator with lower price range may not have all the features. It is always good to go for a low priced but new refrigerator than buying a used one. Recently in Ghana, a bill was passed in the Legislative Assembly, which banned import of second-hand refrigerators in the country. The bill will be fully efficient from 2011. The guess behind the bill was more vigor consumption by second-hand refrigerators. Old refrigerators (more than 10 years), also comprise an ozone-depleting gas known as Freon, which leads to pollution and global warming.

Stainless steel refrigerators have a class of their own. They have eye catching looks and look elegant for years. Prior to buying the refrigerator, it is good to keep a tab on confident factors like quality, user-friendliness, reliability, durability, low cost of maintenance, and so on. It is good to opt for reliable brands only, as they offer the facility to customize your appliance at minimal costs. You should also check out either or not the new stainless steel refrigerator is vigor efficient.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

There are several models of stainless steel refrigerators:

Top-Mount Refrigerator: This model comes with 2 shelves, dairy drawers, 3 door bins, 2 crispers, just to name a few. Bottom-Mount Refrigerator: This model comes with a bottom freezer and has an self-acting ice maker. It also has shelves, dairy bins, crispers, drawers, etc. Side-By-Side Refrigerator with Thru-The-Door Ice and Water: This model is as vigor efficient one and has frost-guard technology. Side-by-Side Refrigerator with Bottom-Mount Freezer: Apart from the general features, this model also has ice maker, antibacterial door seal, and humidity control.

Stainless steel refrigerators symbolize elegance and class. It improves the thorough look of a kitchen. As the question for this refrigerator is more, prices are also affordable. Buying a branded stainless steel refrigerator will cost you a fair amount of money. Hence, you should take into catalogue confident guidelines, before development your purchase. You should make a approved and unblemished evaluation of the refrigerator. You must also plump the size and the style that suits your kitchen decor. You also need to make sure that the fridge has compartments and enough space to fit all your daily needs.

Stainless Steel Refrigerators - The Ideal Kitchen Appliance

samsung counter depth french door refrigerator 4 door refrigerator samsung eviews of refrigerators

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Samsung Refrigerators

The Samsung Refrigerators have much to offer in India through their five separate ranges of refrigerators that strive to petition separate tastes and requirements. While those fashion forwards and huge stockers of food would prefer the French door refrigerators, the more thrifty ones would like the direct cool refrigerators. Samsung refrigerators boast about their patented Twin Cooling Technology that keeps food fresh and tasty by using two evaporators and two fans to mouth the refrigerator and freezer compartments independent of each other, a feature that sets it apart from its competitors.

Types of Samsung Refrigerators:

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

• French door: These Samsung Refrigerators comfortably fit into narrow spaces while still appear elegant with their sleek and stylish looks. The refrigerator with 33" of space boasts its patented Twin Cooling System, ample food warehouse space, automatic ice-maker, easy handling, consistent temperature, no frost, Led interior lighting, and big box drawer. Currently there are two models available: Samsung Rf62Nepn and Samsung Rf67Depn at a price range of Rs.65,000 and Rs.80,000 respectively.

• Side by Side: A marvel to look at, these Samsung refrigerators have a warehouse capacity to adapt a large catering affair, a house party or even stock up on house favourites. They are a exquisite composition of convenience, execution and sophisticated style. And to top it up further features are ready such as cool make your mind up zone, multi air flow, and Led display and control.
Price Range: Rs.53,000 to Rs.117,000

• lowest Freezer: The innovatively designed lowest mounted freezer in this range of Samsung refrigerators offers high ease and convenience without having your kitchen cooled every time you reach for your daily consumables. The range offers two inevitable models that comprise inevitable features such as multi flow, no frost, digital (Led) display, and even a water dispenser in one model. Samsung Rl62Sbts can be bought at Rs.57,000 and Rl41Wcps at Rs.40,500.

• Frost Free: These duplicate door Samsung refrigerators with a freezer mounted on top are integrated with unique moisture control technology that retains freshness for a longer period of time. You can select from a wide range of 36 separate models.
Price Range: Rs.14,000 to Rs.57,000

• Direct Cool: These Samsung refrigerators have been awarded a Bee 5 star rating manufacture them the most power effective Samsung refrigerator range. You can select from 10 inevitable variants.
Price range: Rs.10,200 to Rs.15,000

Samsung Refrigerators

glass door beverage refrigerator french door refrigerators compare ge french door refrigerator

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Challah French Toast Casserole For morning meal

One of my popular breads is Challah. Many weeks, we'd start a loaf on Friday and by Monday, it was gone. French toast made with challah is just wonderful.

We have made our own challah and we've bought challah at both shop and bakeries.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

If you make your own challah, you can knead by hand and allow to rise, or you can use a bread machine. We've tried many dissimilar challah recipes. We do have our popular but any of them have been very good.

There are also a few shop that make challah that we all like.

I'd like to share a French toast casserole method that uses one full loaf of challah.

French Toast Casserole

1 loaf of challah
1 cup of milk (whole milk or half and half works best)
(if your challah is large add additional liquid to the recipe)
¾ cup brown sugar
8 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla
½ teaspoon cinnamon
Salt to taste

Slice the challah into 1 ½ inch thick slices. Place in the bottom of a casserole dish. Tear the bread as needed to fit into the casserole dish. Mix together the remaining ingredients. Pour over the casserole, cover and store in refrigerator over night.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 45 minutes.

I have seen both ginger and nutmeg used in French toast casserole recipes. If you like those flavors, you can add ½ teaspoon of nutmeg or ¼ teaspoon ground ginger. Both will add additional flavor to the casserole.

You can also add either cranberries or raisins to the recipe. Pour the fruit on top of the bread in the casserole dish before pouring the liquid combination on top.

When the casserole is done, cut into squares to serve. You can sprinkle powdered sugar on top, spoon fruit filling over the top or pour syrup on top.

Challah French Toast Casserole For morning meal

door refrigerator french door refrigerator stainless steel french door counter depth refrigerators

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

French Pastry development Tips

French pastry is so delicious, it is rather like shortbread, light, crisp and buttery. It turns a uncomplicated fruit tart into a sweetmeat from heaven! manufacture French pasty is just a technique that you will acquire with a diminutive patience and once you have the hang of it you will be manufacture the most yummy tarts and quiches you have ever tasted.

The French use a extra low gluten flour but you can produce a good pastry using all purpose flour if you cannot buy French flour. You can buy French flour in good specialty stores or today of procedure you can buy it online - such are the wonders of the internet, everything at your convenience!

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

The French also use unsalted butter and this gives a crisp texture but again, you can use three parts butter to one part vegetable fat, which produces a light crisp pastry to be proud of. However, a combination of butter and a good vegetable fat is a astounding mix and gives the results you want.

You can whether make your pastry by hand or in a food processor. However, it is indubitably a good idea to make it by hand to begin with so as to learn the skill of manufacture a good pastry - to get the feel of the pastry in your hands and to learn the basics first.

You must work speedily and not cope the dough for long. I cannot stress this too much - this is the inexpressive of manufacture a good French pastry! This is to preclude it from getting warm as you do not want the butter to soften. So work with light fingers and very quickly. Add the water and blend speedily until you have the mix into a ball of dough. The inexpressive here is this - too much water will make the pasty hard! Be right and only use as diminutive as possible!

Place the pastry dough on the floured board and using the heel of the hand, press the pastry down and away from you. acquire the pastry back into a ball with a scraper and place into a waxed bag or polythene bag which has been lightly dusted with flour. Place the dough in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

When rolling out your pastry do this speedily so that the fat does not soften. It is very difficult to cope when this happens. However, when this does happen just press it to fit into the tin and even though it may not look good, it will still taste wonderful. Just do not worry as you learn the technique!

French Pastry development Tips

ge french door refrigerator 2 door refrigerator freezer

Sunday, November 27, 2011

buyer Reports Refrigerators

Research is a very leading factor to take into notice when buying a new refrigerator. A refrigerator is probably the most leading and viable appliance in every home. It is one of the most expensive appliances you have to have, that is why doing a consumer reports refrigerators investigate before buying is very important. Refrigerators used to be very simple, a tool to keep our foods fresh, but now days, there are so many brands, features and designs to choose from, and it honestly makes the task of buying one very hard. When buying a refrigerator, a lot of questions can be asked, in consumer reports refrigerators you will find reviews and investigate already done for you. The ask most population ask themselves before such a buy is "which refrigerator brands are the best?".

Considering the right refrigerator brands can be a tough decision for many consumers. There are the well known brands such as: Kenmore, Lg, general electric etc. Each of these refrigerator brands have their own unique features that set them apart from one another. Some fridges also come with sophisticated displays, while others have suitable water and ice dispensers built right into the fridge door. Some of the latest models of refrigerators even have televisions built right into the front of the fridge! There are even models that allow for internet access, simply for convenience of the consumer.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

The other leading thing to remember when considering the dissimilar refrigerator brands is the price. In general, stainless steel fridges are much more expensive than their coated alloy counter-parts. Size is an additional one leading factor to consider since most fridges are measured in cubic feet for food storage. Depending on the whole of space ready for your fridge, you might consider a smaller model. Culinary professionals might want a much larger fridge for the warehouse of many dissimilar ingredients. Features like "climate control zones" and special shelving are other factors that may work on the price a great deal. The refrigerator brand name itself may also have an work on on price. Some manufacturers will offer extended warranties on top of the customary cost, which can be handy in some situations.

According to consumer reports refrigerators, the decision on which refrigerator to buy can sometimes be a tough one. Every constructor will be promoting dissimilar features, some of which you may be unsure that you will even use. A lot of the features found on today's refrigerator brands can be found on almost every model, this also depends on the class of refrigerator you may be looking for. In reality you can't go wrong with any name brand refrigerator. It all comes down to the features you plan on using on a daily basis, and the whole of space you have to dedicate to one of these staple appliances.

buyer Reports Refrigerators

36 french door refrigerator french door refrigerators maytag french door refrigerator

Friday, November 25, 2011

Factors to Be considered While Buying a Refrigerator

To buy household items is a pleasing experience but it may be a daunting one too if you do not get the right thing for your need. Refrigerator is one such thing that makes your kitchen complete. So, it is prominent for you to buy the refrigerator considered holding in view your needs. Before buying it, you can get facts about its working, designs, durableness etc. Straight through the refrigerator reviews, refrigerator ratings and buyer recommendations ready in the store and even on internet. There are dissimilar models to pick in expanding to the dissimilar brands, styles and even colors ready in the market.

The easiest thing to begin before you buy it is by asking yourself the following questions: How much space do you need? How many house members are there to use it? Will your house increase or reduce? Do you want it to store food for longer or shorter period? What color of refrigerator will match with your kitchen or dining room color scheme? Where are you planning to place it?

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

The space inside a refrigerator is of great value. It is expressed in Cubic Feet. In case of larger family, you need spacious refrigerator but if house is small, you should not buy the big one. The reckon behind it is that, bigger one will need more time for handling and maintenance which will consume your costly time. Moreover, it will use more electricity which is just a waste. You practically need about ten cubic feet of interior storage capacity for only two persons. If you have a house of four members, you will need at least a 20 cubic feet refrigerator.

Refrigerator's choice also depends upon your eating habits. If you are a vegetarian, you do not need a huge sized freezer space inside the fridge. You want as much space as you can cope comfortably.

Factors to Be considered While Buying a Refrigerator

refrigerators comparison french door refrigerator the best refrigerator

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Buying Guide for the Best Refrigerators

Modern refrigerators are available in many options. Consumers can select from a french-door style, side by side, or a top or bottom freezer. Here one will find the top 4 most highly rated refrigerators, the best of each option. This can be utilized as a buying guide in purchasing the refrigerator that best suits a person.

The least high-priced refrigerator on the store today is the top freezer model. They are not only the cheapest, but also the least likely to have something go wrong. There are no high tech components to tear up like on the other models. Many consumers use the refrigerator more than the freezer, so this requires a lot of bending to have passage to all the shelves. Also, the freezers have very puny space with normally only a particular shelf. This can take a lot of creativity on one's part to find the best methods for getting the most out of warehouse space.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

The side by side models are somewhat higher in cost than the top freezer models, but do cost less than the French door models. These refrigerators have favorable features such as water and ice dispensers in the door. These models are good to have in spaces where clearance for a door or a narrow kitchen is an issue. The problem with the side by side models are the narrow shelving in the freezer side, and the water and ice dispenser are prone to needing repairs. They are also not as power sufficient as the top freezer refrigerators. However, many models do comply with power Star standards. The pull-out drawer bottom freezer models with the particular door refrigerator on top are more precious than the first two models mentioned. The refrigerator measure is literally accessible. The pull out drawer to the bottom freezer is roomy and easy to organize.This model does not come with a water and ice dispenser feature, but can come with an internal ice maker. It will take up space, but is favorable for those who do not like dealing with ice trays. However, the bottom drawer models are becoming less favorite as the French door models are dropping in price.

The French door refrigerator and freezer combinations are the most popular. These refrigerators have the ice and water dispenser that most consumers desire. They are highly roomy and can literally fit in items such as sheet cakes or pizzas with ease. With only having to open one side at a time, less cool air escapes from these models as well. Most customers who write reviews on this type of refrigerator love the features such as adjustable shelving and water filters. Although more precious than the side by side models, most are power Star rated and do come with many favorable features.

When it comes to any model of refrigerator, doing is normally not an issue. Any refrigerator will keep food cold if working properly. The technology for cooling elements has not changed in years. However, the side by sides and French door styles do seem to conduct temperatures somewhat better. The major differences in refrigerator models has to do with the noise level, the door styles, and features that will make holding the refrigerator clean and organized more easily.

These are a few tips for purchasing one's next unit.

· buy the largest unit for one's space. It is best to take a tape measure along and take into observation issues such as the depth or a door swing. · Think about purchasing an power Star model. One will lower his electricity bill and may receive a tax break.
· Look for an organized layout. Be sure the unit has space to accommodate wide or tall items and has no dark areas to lose food in.
· Check for garage shelving that is easy to clean. Glass is easiest to clean, and many models now come with raised edges that will help with spills. Adjustable shelving is all the time a nice bonus for items that are wider or taller than most. Some models come with a built in wine rack.
· Check for literally accessible temperature and humidity controls. One will want the controls to be in the front instead of the back where clutter may make it difficult to do. Options contain controls for the meat, cheese, and vegetable bins.
· Look for a well-lit models. Most units will have one inside the refrigerator itself, but some also come equipped with lighting in the freezers and the drawers for optimal lighting.
· Make sure the unit is quiet. The insulation is what will help quiet the noise from the compressor.

Buying Guide for the Best Refrigerators

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

What You Should Know About Refrigerator Parts

When you purchase your refrigerator or fridge freezer, they are now packaged and ready to use. Yet how well do we know our refrigerator parts and the most beloved fridge freezer? Just like a human being, our fridges need all the critical parts in order for it to function. With even only one part missing, it ceases to function as such.

The basic thought of the refrigerator is the evaporation of the liquid used to discharge heat, creating cool temperatures. The liquid, the refrigerant, is used to produce very low temperature, in order to hold the food and contents inside the fridge.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

Here are the five basic refrigerator parts:
1. The compressor,
2. Heat exchanging pipes - the set of pipes placed surface the unit,
3. Heat exchanging pipes - the set of pipes placed inside the unit,
4. Expansion valve or evaporator - used to evaporate and discharge heat from the refrigerator.
5. Refrigerant - the most integral part of the cooling system, it undergoes distinct changes from gaseous to liquid. Most fridges use pure ammonia as refrigerant, as it evaporates at negative 27 degrees or negative 32 degrees Celsius. Earlier fridge models make use of fluorocarbons or Cfc but have now switched to ammonia because of its detrimental effects to the environment.

How does the refrigerator work? It basically starts at the compressor, where it compresses the refrigerant to raise the refrigerant's pressure & temperature. The heat exchange pipes placed surface the unit allows the refrigerant to dissipate the heat of the pressure.

As temperature cools, the refrigerant condenses to liquid form and it admittedly flows straight through the expansion valve. The refrigerant moves from high pressure zone to low pressure zone. This will cause the liquid to improve and evaporate. straight through evaporation, heat is absorbed, producing cold temperatures. Cycle repeats all over again.

It's prominent to know how the refrigerator basically works and its critical parts, so that in case your fridge freezer breaks down, you'll know the critical steps to take to heal your appliance. If your fridge gets broken, you don't need to buy a new one-you can just replace the part that's broken.

However, refrigerator parts don't come cheap. It's best to be savvy when shopping for parts. Find the best deal out there! To buy the critical parts, first rule the brand and the fridge's model estimate to locate the definite parts. The model estimate is placed on the back, or inside the door of the refrigerator. Open PartSelect and enter in your model estimate to know the definite parts. PartSelect has ready exchange parts for almost every refrigerator ever made! Bosch fridge is the one that good to selection with unblemished parts amongst fridge freezers.

Next, you can now opt to hire a repairman or do the task yourself. The latter one is regularly less expensive and thus a wiser selection if you're well versed in technical knowledge and repair. It's worth to think selecting Bosch fridge freezer and easy find the parts everywhere. See and compare the price PartSelect offers and the repairman price. Then, you can call the manufacturer directly to see if they can offer you a good deal. Make it known to them that you're still finding nearby for the best price so they can put their best foot transmit and give you the best deal on refrigerator parts.

What You Should Know About Refrigerator Parts

french door refrigerators refrigerator door gasket

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Space rescue Type of Refrigerator

Our home is one of the best refuge center that we can rest upon. And since it is so, we always make sure that our home stays peaceful, relaxing and very accommodating. As much as possible, we all want to live in a exquisite house having complete sets of home decorations and appliances. Dreaming big but this can all be achieved if you put patience and exert endeavor in your job.

It is hard to put up a home most especially when you do not have enough funds to maintain all the way. But it is harder to have a home but is not complete with all the essential appliances needed for the day to day living. Since all things is costly as of this point, it is anticipated that most population will decree down on used appliances. There are so many different shops in the market and together with in the world wide web that offer less costly but still reusable home appliances. Utilizing the old and the used is not a bad idea however just make sure that it still has ability and can perform tasks effectively.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

When construction a home, most individuals focus on areas where it is much used or visited like the bed and bathrooms, living room and kitchen. These three areas are very prominent as they are the house's core components. It is where the family obtain and help one another. They are the places where ideas, feelings and other emotions are shared and these areas are the witnesses of how love was shared. Production these areas as comfortable as potential is absolutely a must.

Among those three areas, the kitchen is much more delicate to decorate. Things have to be very planned since the kitchen will be adequate with appliances that tend to come to be the imagine why the house gets burned up.

One very essential appliance in the kitchen is the refrigerator. Refrigerators play a major role in our lives as this heavy duty appliance stores and preserves our food for a merge of days. There are so many types of refrigerators that you can pick upon. And one of the best space saver refrigerators in the market is the counter depth refrigerator.

When you look for this extra kind of refrigerator, make sure that you have learned about the counter depth refrigerators reveal that way you will understand how good this type of refrigerator is. If you are implicated with the farranging performance, counter depth refrigerators are very much reliable. Its cooling capacity, temperature regulation, space consumption is just among the prominent criteria when an private is looking for a refrigerator.

This kind of refrigerator is truly exquisite when opening up a cafeteria business since it is big enough to store different food preparations. Counter depth refrigerators price vary from the type and develop of the refrigerator. It may be very costly but you are assured that you are investing in a long lasting refrigerator. Performance itself will already make you come to be amazed of this kitchen appliance. It is exquisite and will truly match your taste.

A Space rescue Type of Refrigerator

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why pick a Counter Depth Refrigerator?

With all the kinds of refrigerators that are available, why should you pick a counter depth refrigerator? There are beyond doubt good reasons for that, which are what we are going to look into. These are just a few among the many other reasons why this type of refrigerator is the best for your home.

Before getting into the reasons of choosing a counter depth refrigerator, you should know first what makes this refrigerator dissimilar among all the other types of refrigerators. This is beyond doubt a narrow refrigerator that was designed to be blended with your cabinets as well as the other appliances in your kitchen. Because of this, they are often referred to as cabinet-depth refrigerators, since they can fit inside cabinets too.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

A good theorize for choosing a counter depth refrigerator for your home is for you to save space. This is ideal then for those whose kitchens that have exiguous space, allowing only a small one for a refrigerator. Unlike other refrigerators wherein they have to occupy a vital whole of space, a counter depth refrigerator can beyond doubt fit inside cabinets and counters, and doesn't stick past them. You will then be able to use the space that you have saved for other kitchen appliances or things that you may need.

With the space that you save using a counter depth refrigerator, this will then lead to an additional one theorize for choosing such. You can beyond doubt use this type of refrigerators everywhere - in your office, a dorm room, your bedroom or everywhere else where you will need one. Because this is smaller than most refrigerators, you will have no issue fitting it where you need it to be. The room where you place it too will not be cramped up since you can just fit it inside the cabinets that you have there. Truly, this type of refrigerator is space saving.

Aesthetics is also one of the reasons why a lot of citizen opt to use the counter depth refrigerator. This type of refrigerator offers style and class, since these were designed to be more stylish than the traditional types of refrigerators. This will of procedure depend on the style of the refrigerator that you will prefer. You can either have a built-in look or a stainless steel, or other designs that you will come across to. With the assorted designs that are available, you will beyond doubt be able to pick the one that you like best. Of course, you will have to think the space that you have. With the available styles and designs of counter depth refrigerators, you can beyond doubt pick the one that will fit the develop of your kitchen.

One of the downsides of a counter depth refrigerator is that these tend to be a bit more costly than the other types of refrigerators. However, with the benefits that you can gain from using one, everything will beyond doubt be worth it. The price that you have paid for will not bother you that much when you are already using this model of refrigerator.

With these assorted reasons for using a counter depth refrigerator, it sure makes a good kitchen appliance that everyone must have, especially for those who have exiguous spaces to spare for a refrigerator.

Why pick a Counter Depth Refrigerator?

french door refrigerators refrigerator door

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dacor Refrigerator enumerate - gorgeous and Energy-Saving

Dacor is a enterprise that is guided by several serious commitments, to the people, God and the environment. The enterprise has grown from a small family outfit to a remarkable producer of quality fridges and a whole range of home appliances. Refrigerators from Dacor are made with the company's Green Commitment in mind and are therefore made to be as energy-efficient as possible. Energy rescue appliances and equipment are more efficient, less costly to contend and are finally environmental friendly. This Dacor refrigerator reveal looks at some of the company's products and how Energy rescue they are.

The enterprise has five main refrigerator brands, Epicure, Integrated, Style Viewer, Millenia and Preference. One of the smaller models from Dacor is the 24" Beverage town Epicure. This refrigerator has a stainless steel desist and can hold up to 29*750ml wine bottles. It has two detachable glass shelves and an internal fan and is lit on the interior with 8W fluorescent lights. This small refrigerator is guaranteed to sustain your wines at the desired temperature. There are bigger Epicure models such as the 36" Freestanding French door refrigerator which has a bottom freezer and the Epicure 48"/42" Built-In refrigerators.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

Dacor's bigger refrigerators, like all of its products, are made to very exacting standards and are meant to be good value for money as well as being environmentally friendly. The specs of their 36" Freestanding French Door refrigerator, for example, show how the company's objectives are met in the output process. This refrigerator is Energy Star remarkable and is a low consumer of power. The fridge has many developed highlight including an ice and water dispenser.

Dacor refrigerators are not only great to look at but they are also great value for money and great Energy savers. Either you desire a small or big fridge, there is one at Dacor to satisfy your needs.

Dacor Refrigerator enumerate - gorgeous and Energy-Saving

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Refrigerators - The distinct Types and Features

There are many separate types of refrigerators to select from today along with compact, French door, frost free, under the counter, one that refrigerates wine and even one with a lowest freezer was just introduced over the past few years.

When you think of refrigerators many beloved brand names come to mind along with Whirlpool, Ge, Kelvinator, Amana, Kenmore and Bosch but with so many brands how do you know which one to choose?

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

The Whirlpool enterprise has been in enterprise for many years and with a every year revenue revenue in sales of nearly 17 million dollars they must be manufacturing a potential product. The list of appliances that the enterprise industry is very long and includes not only refrigerators but washers and dryers, dishwashers, kitchen stoves and air conditioning units, just to name a few.

Amana is an additional one fabricate of refrigerators that has been in enterprise for a very long time. Amana offers a wide variety of colors in their selection of the appliances that they offer to their consumers. Some of the colors that are offered are red, midnight blue, white, stainless and black. Amana is a important fabricate of kitchen stoves, air conditioning units, dishwashers, washers and dryers and water filtration systems as well. The every year revenue revenue of 15 million dollars makes the Amana name a beloved household name as well with their customers.

If you are like most individuals and only need to buy major appliances every 10 years or more, you will need to refresh you memory on what the size dimensions are. When measuring for your new appliances you will need to take into account any counter depth that may come into play with your appliances, this is something that is not opinion of often adequate and customers end up having to take their appliances back to the store for a separate one due to not measuring all they needed to in the beginning. Make sure that you measure from top to bottom, then side to side and even front to back to ensure that you are going to only make one trip to the store for your new appliance.

Refrigerators - The distinct Types and Features

ge french door refrigerator french door refrigerator bottom freezer electrolux refrigerator

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Types of surface French Doors

French doors are some of the most favorite doors to use in a home today mainly because of their perfect beauty. What sets these doors apart from other door types is the fact that they are constructed out of double-layered doors, which means that one can open inwards and the other outwards.

French doors can be used both inside and covering the home with interior doors being ideal for rooms such as the dining room; while covering doors can work wonders for your patio. This report will focus on the assorted types of covering French doors, to enable you to make the right selection for your home.

Top 10 French Door Refrigerators

Exterior French doors are available in a collection of styles but mainly highlight ornamental or carved wood edges with stained or glazed glass. These doors are also ordinarily available with double-paned glass which provides for best insulation. Below is a look at the assorted types of favorite choices for covering French doors you can choose for your home.

Hinged covering French doors: These are 2 duplicate doors which are hinged, thus enabling them to whether open out of or into a room. For instance, if you use hinged French doors for your patio, the out swing doors will open onto your patio. You may opt for hinged French doors made out of ornamental metal or ornate wood, along with ornamental or clear glass. If you don't want the hassle of constant maintenance, go for the hinged doors made from vinyl or metal which do not have glass.

Pocket covering French doors: These are ideal to use in rooms which do not have a lot of space to adapt the swinging open of the doors. Pocket French doors will slide into the walls on whether side of the door. When used for the patio, these doors slide off to the side which enables you to save on space if your patio is small, or in the event that you don't have adequate space for them to open in to the patio as well.

It is foremost to allow for adequate space for the pockets and special building that the covering pocket French doors require on whether wall. This will help to ensure that the doors are properly sealed and protected from the elements.

Bi-Fold and Multi-Fold covering French doors: These are accordion style doors with door panels which are hinged together and set onto a sliding track, which enables them to fold and slide to the side. Bi-fold and multi-fold covering French doors are very arresting and approved to have in any home. Bi-fold doors include of two panels which fold twice onto itself, while the multi-fold doors consist of smaller panels which fold three to four times onto themselves.

Both styles of doors are ideal for use in small rooms and spaces as they do not take up too much room. These doors nevertheless require special building which will ensure that the doors remain sealed and protected from the vagaries of the weather. To find out more about French doors visit the Savoy Doors shop.

Types of surface French Doors

built in french door refrigerator refrigerator door gasket